Beautiful pics of Geri Halliwell and Jenny Taft feet legs

Geri was an English actor, performer and songwriter. She is also a designer of clothes. The 90s were when she gained fame as Ginger Spice. She was an original Spice Girls member and the group became one of most successful girl groups of all times. She's a multi-faceted lady who has performed as a dancer in night clubs, a television presenter as well as a glamorous girl. In her early years, she joined the group of girls called Spice Girls. She then signed with Virgin Records. Their debut single, Wannabe was released shortly afterwards. The song is all about women's empowerment. It was a huge hit, reaching the top of the charts across several countries. Spice was the first album from Spice and was a huge sensation on a worldwide scale. The album has been sold over 23 million copies all over the world and is considered to be one of the top-selling albums to date. Halliwell left the band to pursue her own career in the late 1990s when she released her single Look at Me. The track was highly praised by critics, and also charted in various countries. Schizophonic Her debut album was quite a success. In addition to music, Halliwell is well-known for a variety of different works. She was appointed Goodwill Ambassador in the United Nations Population Fund.

Jenny Taft is an American sports television personality who moderates the sports talk show 'Skip as well as Shannon Undisputed', which airs on Fox Sports 1. Tafts early love for sports came from a background that was populated by athletes. Although she was a competitor at many levels during the time of her college and school years, it wasn't until later when Taft took the choice to concentrate on broadcasting. When she graduated with a diploma in broadcast journalism at Boston University Taft embarked her career with Fox Sports North as a journalist on the sidelines and a regional affiliate. Along with reporting on sports, she also worked as a contributor to social media and an on-call host. As soon as she started working at Fox Sports 1, her team was comprised of News and Highlights, Taft was bumped. Taft reported from the field at numerous championships working for FS1. While working as a reporter for the sidelines of college football, she was elevated to become the main college football reporter alongside Gus Johnson. At the time of writing her biggest accomplishment was that she was asked to fill in as moderator for the cult TV show Skip and Shannon Undisputed, a post she holds to this day. Recently, she has been identified as the host for her program CFB Inside Slant.

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